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3 Important Tips For Dentists Who Are Facing Legal Action

One thing that every business owner dreads is someone taking legal action against them, and it is a fact that dentists are not immune from this happening to them. A business can be taken to court for all sorts of reasons, and whilst some claims may be spurious and thrown out before they ever see the inside of a courtroom, many others are genuine and must be handled correctly.

For any dentists who may have been given notice that they or their dental business is subject to a legal claim, the one thing that must be avoided is to panic. Being sued or taken court is not something that happens to someone every day, and when it does occur it can come as a complete shock. However, getting stressed and panicking is not how to solve the problem.

As for why any business, and particularly dentists might have legal action taken against them, there are several reasons:

  • Non-payment of due bills and debts
  • Breach of contract
  • Misleading patients or other businesses
  • Infringement of intellectual property rights
  • Employees claiming discrimination or unfair/unlawful dismissal
  • Professional negligence
  • Public liability

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Your Legal Options for Owning A Villa In Bali

Many people decide they are going to start their dream business of renting luxury villas in Bali,  whose hopes come crashing down when they discover the complexities of Indonesian law as they apply to property purchases in Bali. The truth of the matter is Indonesian law forbids foreigners from outright ownership of property in that country and given that Bali is part of Indonesia, that law applies there too.

This begs the question “If Indonesian law forbids foreigners from purchasing property in Bali, how can any foreigner own a villa In Bali?”. Well, the law as it applies in Bali forbids outright ownership of property by foreigners, but that does not they cannot enter into legal arrangements which would in effect allow them to own and run a Bali villas rental business.

As you will discover as you read on, there are various categories of property ownership in Indonesia, which means that in Bali you can obtain either ownership or the use of a villa to rent it out to holidaymakers.

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